
KHMW, Hodshonhuis,
Spaarne 17, Haarlem

More information: secretaris@khmw.nl

Trust in science and society is under pressure. The coronavirus was a catalyst in that development. First the OMT was a beacon in an uncertain and foggy period of time. Its members were target of criticism, including on social media. Some people suddenly considered science to be just an opinion, while this same science brought life-saving vaccines onto the market in record time.

But there is also debate in science itself: in addition to innovation, did the virus also bring opportunism, was the speed of publication compatible with thorough replication, was the sudden availability of research funding and the shift in resources a blessing or a curse? And, more generally, is the path to success and career paved with H-index and citation score, or do the actual circumstances require a different assessment strategy?

On July 4, we intend to submit these and similar questions to a select group of scientists, politicians, and representatives from business, in an afternoon meeting at the Royal Holland Society of Sciences and Humanities (KHMW). At the same occasion we will present the results of a large survey among scientists in 10 countries, conducted by the Economist Impact Unit and facilitated by the Elsevier Foundation. Elsevier coordinates similar activities in the other countries, supervised by a Global Advisory Board, which includes Prof. Wim van Saarloos. Working language is English.


13:30-14:00 hrs Arrivals
14:00-14:45 hrs  

Introductory remarks KHMW and Elsevier by
Louise Gunning-Schepers, Chair of KHMW
Laura Hassink, Managing Director STMJ (Science, Technology and Medical Journals), Elsevier

Short presentations from science, industry and political perspective by
Carlijn Bouten, Professor of Cell-Matrix Interactions in Cardiovascular Regeneration, Eindhoven University of Technology
Hanneke Schuitemaker, Professor of Virology, Amsterdam UMC, VP Viral Vaccine Discovery & Translational Medicine, Janssen Vaccines, Janssen Pharmaceuticals
Eppo Bruins, Chairman AWTI – Advisory council for science, technology and innovation

14:45-15:00 hrs   Summary of the results so far by Jeremy Kingsley, Senior Manager, Policy & Insights, The Economist Impact
15:00-16:00 hrs Breakout sessions with tea
16:00-16:45 hrs

Reporting back from breakouts

Presentation on confidence for young researchers by
Natali Helberger, University Professor in Law and Digital Technology, with a special focus on AI, University of Amsterdam

Closing remarks KHMW

16:45-17:30 hrs Drinks